Yuqing Zhai

25 Childers Street · Acton, ACT 2601 · 0423-060-277 · yuqingzhai.13@gmail.com

I am a recent graduate with an MS in Computer Science looking to leverage my experience working across the full-stack development. I’m a team worker with good communication and interpersonal skills, and always willing to learn new technologies.


Programming Languages
  • Java

  • SQL

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • JavaScript

  • Python

  • Spring Boot 2.0

  • Spring Security

  • React & Redux

  • MySql

  • SASS

  • Bootstrap

  • Git

  • Linux

  • Jira

  • Continuous integration & continuous delivery
  • Test-driven development
  • Agile Development & Scrum


Australian National University

Master of Computing
GPA: 6.5 / 7.0

Courses: Algorithms, Java, Software Engineering, Operating Systems, Networked Information Systems

February 2019 - December 2020

Sichuan University

Bachelor of Electronic Information Engineering

Awards: Sichuan University College of Electronics and Information Engineering Excellence Scholarship, Sichuan University Outstanding Student Honor

September 2013 - June 2017


Academic Tutor

Australian National University
  • Worked closely with multiple computer science students to tutor in Structured Programming (Java), Relational Database, and Networked Information Systems.
  • Demonstrated core data structures and algorithms by live coding.
  • Analyzed and debugged code (Java, SQL) written by many different individuals and provided both written and oral feedback.
  • Developed online tutorial videos and slides for students to study remotely.
February 2020 - Present

IT Support Officer

Electric Power Research Institute
  • Installed and maintained the institute’s computer systems and network.
  • Completed troubleshooting and repair when computers had problems.
  • Assisted office staff with computer application questions in person and via email or telephone.
January 2018 - May 2018


Sorting Algorithms Visualizer

React JavaScript Algorithms

This is a react application that can visually display how sorting algorithms work, including bubble sort, quick sort, insertion sort, and merge sort. It also allow users to change the input array size to see the result.

  • Implemented different sorting algorithms.
  • Created reusable component to handle the display

Personal Project Management Tool

Spring Boot 2 Spring Security React / Redux RESTful API MySQL

A personal project management tool inspired by Trello Board. This application is built using Spring Boot 2.0 to do back-end logic. It secures a RESTful API with Spring Security and JWT web token. The front-end part is developed using React and Redux. This application allows users to login/logout/register, create a new project/project task, and update/delete/search for specific project/project task. It also orders the tasks by the due time and priority. If interested, feel free to use the public account to play around.

  • Username: cloud@cloud.com
  • Password: password

Delivery Company Warehouse Management Application

Java Algorithms Data Structures

A terminal application using Java that allows users to easily search for parcel information stored in the warehouse database, find the top X parcels with the soonest deadline, and find the shortest path from the warehouse address to the delivery address of a given parcel.

  • Improved the program time complexity and space complexity using classic data structures and algorithms, including red black tree, heap, and Dijkstra algorithm.
  • Performed theoretical and empirical analysis of algorithms and got a final mark of 95.

Crwn Clothing Shopping Mall

React Redux JavaScript SaSS Firebase

A e-commerce website that sells the latest in faction clothes. It is built using React and Redux. It takes advantages of React Hooks to create pure functions as well as other performance enhancers. You can also go through the checkout process :)

  • Used React-router to turn application into single page application.
  • Maintained states in the stores and dispatched the actions using Redux.
  • Used Firebase to store user authentication information.

Reddit Clone Website

Java Spring Boot 2.0 Maven Thymeleaf H2 Database

A reddit clone website created using Spring Boot 2.

  • Finished vote, comment, post, login, logout, and register functions.
  • Used in-memory database, H2, to provide fast access.
  • Implemented some custom Thymeleaf templates for website.

ANU Timetable Application

Java Android Studio

An Android application that uses ANU official timetable data to help student generate a timetable automatically

  • Implemented CRUD operations for courses and tutorials
  • Implemented some design patterns, like the Singleton pattern and Adapter pattern, to improve its modifiability and scalability.

Roll and Write Board Game Application

Java JavaFX Algorithms

A JavaFX application that allows users to roll dices, drag and drop pieces on board, auto-calculate score points, and allow users to play with either other players or an AI player.

  • Designed and implemented object-oriented programming features together with some design patterns.
  • Solved the searching problem when developing the AI player by implementing depth first search algorithm and achieved a mark of 94 at last.

Jemma Australia Web Application

Python Django Bootstrap

A web application for Jemma Australia using Python and Django that let users to search for qualified nearby tradespersons, send quotes, and make an offer.

  • Responsible for implementing UI mockups.
  • Designed database structure and back end data flow.
  • Implemented dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.